Info on Australia
Population : (last checked in 2023) 26.64 Million
Landmass: 7,688,287 square kilometers
Main Languages:
English (72%), Italian (4.4%) Mandarin (2.5%),Vietnamese (1.3%), Cantonese (1.2%), Arabic (1.1%)
Main Religions:
No Religion (38.9%),Catholic (20%), Anglican (9.8%), Islam (3.2%), Hinduism (2.7%), Baptist (less than 2%)
Independence: March 3, 1986
Australia Day: January 26
National Sport: Cricket and Australian Rules Football (Footy or Aussie Rules)
National Animal: Kangaroo
National Bird: Emu
National Dish: Roast Lamb
Top 5 Landmarks: Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, Kangaroo Island, Melbourne Cricket Ground, The Great Ocean Road. There are so many landmarks in Australia, but these are the most fascinating ones.